Paulina Nierodzik, 18, Polish
Paulina has been in this business for a while. If you look for her name at The Fashion Spot, the members had created a forum for her since 2006. She was 15 then and was a little chubby faced and too young. What was amazing about Paulina was 3 years later, she is now with Next and had an amazing showcard. She has walked a couple of shows consistently since she debuted but nothing memorable. So far, she has yet to walk any "top shows". I'm hoping that she'll hit it big this time. All the hardwork should have been paid off by now.

Rachel Rutt, 17, Australian/Singaporean
This is the girl that created a buzz during last resort season. She was in NYC and was immediately liken as girl-most-wanted. Whether Rachel can live up to the expectations, that's for us to see. Sure this girl has something others don't, look at her colorful background- she's half English, half Singaporean, born in Hong Kong and grew up in Japan! It's time for an Eurasian girl to storm the catwalk!

Malene Knudsen, ?
Malene is the newest of the new bunch. Nothing about her yet in the Next website yet she had a showcard. My guess is they found this gem at the very last minute and immediately send her to work. Her showcard might be from her test shots but this image is enough for me to know more about her. From her surname, she might from Sweden or other European countries. Come fashion week, I'm sure more info about her will appear.
(all images from nextmodelsblog.blogspot.com)
(all images from nextmodelsblog.blogspot.com)
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